Thammasat Institute of Area Studies (TIARA)
Our Past TU-CAPS

4th TU-CAPS, 12-13 December 2019 at Holiday Inn, Chiang Mai, Thailand


Thammasat Institute of Area Studies (TIARA) has continued our success for the 4th TU-CAPS 2019. The 2-day international conference took place in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 12-13 December 2019 under the theme of "Pacific Rim in the Next Decade". This year we focused on contemporary issues of the Asia Pacific from renowned invited guests, academics, scholars and students of Asia Pacific Studies.

TIARA also collaborated with well-known universities such as the Australian National University (ANU) to organise concordance conference session, Mainland Southeast Asian Integration Workshop, hosted by Prof. Greg Raymond from the ANU. This year we had a special guest presenter, Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Sta. Maria, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat, Singapore to share insightful information in Panel on APEC: Bogor Goal 2020 and Beyond. The conference also had a special session, Myanmar Development and Transition Issues from The Centre and the Periphery Perspectives which unfolded the issues related to minorities in Myanmar.

Our opening speaker for this year was Professor Siriwan Suebnukarn, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Thammasat University.

This exciting event welcomed more than 80 participants from 20 countries around the world.

For more information about this event, please visit,