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Studies Centre
The Australian Studies Centre first mooted in 1991 by the then Department of Employment, education and Training, Australia and the then Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand to establish reciprocal national studies centres. Therefore, the National Thai Studies Centre was created in Australia National University, Canberra and the Australian Studies Centre at Kasetsart University, Bangkok. In 2009, The Australian Studies Centre was relocated to its new host, Thammasat University after recommendations made by Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC), Australia – Thailand Institute and Australian Education International (AEI)
To support teaching and research on Australia, to provide a range of information services on Australia for the Thai Community and to foster a spirit of collaboration through research and knowledge sharing
- Conducting research for public and private agencies on both national and international level
- Establishing individual links and networks between Australian & Thai academics and institutions
- Enhancing Thai’s understanding of Australia by organizing public lectures on various aspects of Thailand - Australia relations
- Promoting Australia – Thai relation through collaboration with Australian Institutions and universities
- Source for networking and collaboration opportunities
- Organizing a Panel on Australian Studies session at Thammasat Annual Academics and Postgraduate International Conference (TUCAPS)
- Serve as an information hub about Australia
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